Saturday, August 27, 2011


So I've learned in the past week that potty training is EXHAUSTING.  There is no end to laundry when you have a toddler that doesn't equate the potty with peeing.

Anywho, lots of new stuff in the store, here as some examples:
Faceted Glass & Crystal Earrings, Amber Glass with Blue Crystal and Engraved Bronze
Green Jade Earrings, Amber Crystal & Brass with Green Jade Beads

Thanks for reading, and remeber, for a limited time all Ebon Flow purchases come with a free gift!  You can also use coupon code 'FB2788' at checkout for 10% off your Entire purchase!


Friday, August 19, 2011

Outlet Scoutlet

Okay, So I haven't the foggiest idea what a 'Scoutlet' is but I really felt an urge to rhyme.

I'm going to be opening EbonFlowOutlet tomorrow! Well, it's already technically 'open' but there's nothing in it. Ebon Flow Outlet is going to be my little side-jewelry-store-project which will feature cute little blingy bits that are all....PRICED $5 OR UNDER! I'm crazy, I know, certifiably insane. Some may even say I'm senile for offering deals like these. Okay most wouldn't say that, but still, cheap cute stuff!

So preeeeese come check it out tomorrow for some mega ultra super cheap/cute stuff!




I'm going to have to take part of this post to complain. Etsy's new changes to search to increase SEO (Search Engine Optimization) have been more than a little frustrating and confusing. This frustration was brought on by a few things.
As some of you may know, around 95% of all my items in Ebon Flow had creative, individual names. These names sometimes would take me quite awhile to come up with since I wanted them to truly 'fit' the piece. With Etsy's new search relying more on relevancy and descriptive titles than recency, people like me who enjoy creating interesting titles are more or less screwed. For example, I named some earrings I recently posted 'Earls' b/c they had a royal look to them. I now have to change the name to something blah and descriptive, like 'Purple Earrings, Faceted and Picasso Glass with Gold' what an un-fun mouthful! Having to change the names of almost everything in the store is surely an undertaking and I just hope it pays off.

On to the next more exciting and positive post!
